General WordPress Settings

Allow visitors to register and log into your courses by enabling this option. Go to Settings > General in your WordPress Dashboard, and ensure Anyone can register option is on.

Sensei Settings

Once you have activated the plugin and installed Sensei pages, you can see a settings panel for Sensei. Configure the plugin with a variety of options — each has a description of what it controls.

  • Általános
  • Megjelenés
  • Tanfolyamok
  • Leckék
  • E-mail-ek
  • Tanulói profilok
  • Bizonyítványok (ha be van kapcsolva a bővítmény)
  • WooCommerce
  • Tartalom csepegtetés


Sensei LMS Settings - General

Access Permissions

Enabling Access Permissions means users must log in to your site to view lessons and quizzes. In most cases, you’ll want to enable this setting, but if you aren’t using quizzes and want your course content to be freely available to everyone without registering, you can leave it unchecked.

Once the ‘ Anyone can register ‘ option is enabled, students can register for a Sensei course from their My Courses page. Read more about that on the FAQ page.

Disable Private Messages

Allows registered users to send private messages to the teacher of any course. You can disable the messaging functionality by selecting this option.

Course Archive Page

Sets the page used to display courses. This option is configured automatically by the setup wizard.

My Courses Page

Sets the page displaying active and completed courses for a particular learner. This option is configured automatically by the setup wizard.

Tanfolyam Befejezve oldal

Beállítja azt az oldalt, amely akkor jelenik meg, miután a tanuló befejez egy tanfolyamot. Ezt az opciót a telepítővarázsló automatikusan konfigurálja. Ám ha mégsem, Te is beállíthatod.

Fontos, hogy a „Tanfolyamaim” oldalt ide SEMMIKÉPPEN SE ÁLLÍTSD BE, mert az hibákat eredményez. A felhasználók nem fognak tudni bejelentkezni az oldalra, valamint az elvégzett tanfolyamok eredményeit sem tudják megtekinteni („Eredmények megtekintése” gomb).

Use placeholder images

Displays a placeholder image for any course or lesson that doesn’t already have a featured image.

Disable Sensei LMS Styles

It prevents Sensei LMS’s CSS from loading, effectively removing the default styling. This is useful if your theme already includes styling for Sensei LMS elements or if you prefer to style them yourself.

Quiz question points format.

Formats the display of the number of points assigned to a question when a learner takes a quiz.

Disable Sensei LMS Javascript

Prevents all front-end Sensei LMS-specific JavaScript from loading.

Disable HTML security

Allows any HTML tags in the video embed fields. Enabling this setting can leave your site vulnerable to XSS attacks; it is therefore recommended to leave it unchecked.

Delete data on uninstall

Deletes Sensei LMS data when the plugin is deleted. Be careful, as this data can only be restored from a backup.

Enable usage tracking

It helps us make future improvements to Sensei LMS by collecting usage tracking data. No sensitive information is collected.


Learning Mode

Enabling Learning Mode will provide a distraction-free experience to students and allow course creators to choose a modern layout for their courses. You can read more about Learning Mode.

Learning Mode Templates

Four different learning mode templates to choose from depending on the type of content and style you wish to offer to your students.


Sensei LMS Settings - Courses

Courses are complete

Determines when a course is considered to be complete:

  • Once all the course lessons have been completed – The course won’t be completed until all of the lessons belonging to it have also been completed.
  • At any time – Learners can mark courses complete by clicking the Mark as Complete button on the My Courses page:
Mark as Complete button

Display Course Author

Displays the course author on the course archive and My Courses pages.

My Courses Pagination

Sets the number of courses to display per page on the My Courses page.

Course Archive Image

Displays a course’s featured image on the course archive page.

Image Width – Archive

Specifies the image’s width (in pixels) to display on the course archive page.

Image Height – Archive

Specifies the image’s height (in pixels) to display on the course archive page.

Image Hard Crop – Archive

Crops the image to the specified dimensions. If not selected, Image Height – Archive can be left blank, and the height will be set proportionally to the specified width.

Single Course Image

Displays the course’s featured image on the single course page.

Image Width – Single

Specifies the image’s width (in pixels) to display on the single course page.

Image Height – Single

Specifies the image’s height (in pixels) to display on the single course page.

Image Hard Crop – Single

Crops the image to the specified dimensions. Image Height – Single can be left blank if not selected, and the height will be set proportionally to the specified width.

Displays the featured courses panel on the course archive page.

Specifies the text to display for the link when more courses are on the course archive page.


Sensei LMS Settings - Lessons

Allow Comments for Lessons

Enables learners to comment on lessons for courses they are enrolled in. Only registered learners can view these comments.

Display Lesson Author

Displays the lesson author on the single course and lesson archive pages.

Course Lesson Images

Displays a lesson’s featured image on the single course page.

Image Width – Course Lessons

Specifies the lesson image’s width (in pixels) to display on the single course page.

Image Height – Course Lessons

Specifies the lesson image’s height (in pixels) to display on the single course page.

Image Hard Crop – Course Lessons

Crops the image to the specified dimensions. Image Height – Course Lessons can be left blank if not selected, and the height will be set proportionally to the specified width.

Single Lesson Images

Displays the lesson’s featured image on the single lesson page.

Image Width – Single

Specifies the image’s width (in pixels) to display on the single lesson page.

Image Height – Single

Specifies the image’s height (in pixels) to display on the single lesson page.

Image Hard Crop – Single

Crops the image to the specified dimensions. Image Height – Single can be left blank if not selected, and the height will be set proportionally to the specified width.

Email Notifications

Sensei LMS Settings - Email Notifications

Emails Sent to Learners

Specifies which events trigger an email notification to learners:

  • When their quiz is graded (either manually or automatically)
  • When they complete a course

Emails Sent to Teachers

Specifies which events trigger an email notification to teachers assigned to the Course:

  • When a learner starts a course
  • When a learner completes a course
  • When a learner completes a lesson
  • When a learner submits a quiz for grading
  • When a learner sends a private message to a teacher

Emails Sent to All Users

Specifies which events trigger an email notification to all registered users:

  • When they receive a reply to their private message

“From” Name

Specifies the name from which all Sensei LMS emails are sent (usually your name or the name of your site).

“From” Address

Specifies the email address from which all Sensei LMS emails are sent.

Header Image

Specifies the URL of an image to display in the header of all Sensei LMS emails (e.g. your logo).

Specifies the text displayed at the bottom of all Sensei LMS emails.


Specifies the colors to use in all email templates. The colors that can be configured are:

  • Base Color – The background color of the header
  • Background Color – The background color of the email
  • Body Background Color – The background color of the email content area
  • Body Text Color – The color of the text in the email content area
Sensei LMS email template colours

Please see Email Notifications for more information.

Learner Profiles

Sensei LMS Settings - Learner Profiles

Public learner profiles

Creates a public profile page for each learner at

Show learner’s courses

Displays the learner’s active and completed courses on their profile page.


The WooCommerce section is only available if both WooCommerce and WooCommerce Paid Courses are activated:

Sensei LMS Settings - WooCommerce

Enable Sensei WooCommerce Integration Debugging

Logs Sensei LMS and WooCommerce events to WooCommerce > Status > Logs for easier debugging of plugin issues.